A Mother’s guidance and lessons towards the values, humanity, commitment, honesty, caring for the needy, kindness, and purity of wealth made a boy into an entrepreneur. Yes, today who I am is because of my beloved Mother and the blessings from ‘Almighty’. After my graduation when I wanted to start my own business, the lessons that she taught me through her life gave me strength to fight against all the tough situations throughout my journey. Unfortunately, she couldn’t see my growth period but her blessings paved my way. I believe ‘life to paradise‘ can be achieved through business as well.
This might sound strange but it is possible. If we stick to the values as key points, any organisation can make it happen. If we derive strength from our team and work together like the five fingers of a hand, there will be unity, power and support that’s going to be a strong foundation for our growth. The purity of wealth or the money which we earn and spend matters a lot. The prayers from all the members and their families make a sound roof for an organisation. Always compete yourself with the dedication to achieve your goals in a respectful manner and goodwill. The results will start following you. What we deliver through our business should meet credibility, trust and high standards of quality and excellence. If every member grows along with the organisation, that growth will be outward and unlimited.