Team Thai is listed in Trade
India’s list of verified
companies working in a wide
array of industries.
Product Making that is Modern and High Quality.
The FMCG Division of Team Thai has witnessed rapid growth in both manufacturing and marketing of high quality household product brands. The FMCG segment is a huge market with massive potential, and the Company has already made its presence felt in these categories – toiletries, personal care products and cleaning solutions. To meet the demands of the dynamic consumer equations, especially where lifestyle and usage pattern are concerned, we have constantly innovated, updated and upgraded our product range to stay one step ahead of the competition
Harvesting goodness from nature’s paradise.
Aysha Plantations spread across a sprawling 800 acres of land is a multi-crop cultivation land in the high ranges of Wayanad. The unique geographic and climatic conditions of this area make it suitable for large-scale plantations. Tea, coffee, cardamom, pepper, and ginger are the main varieties commercially cultivated here for domestic use as well as export purposes. The plantation and the related processing of the products provide huge employment opportunities to the local residents. The well-organized upkeep of the plantation improves the ecological aspects of the land and contributes positively to the socio-economic growth of the locality
A quality that transcends all boundaries
With the growing recognition and acceptance of Team Thai products in the country, we decided on widening our horizons. Catering to the needs of the expatriates was the first priority and thus we commenced to export certain niche products to the Middle East and African countries. The growing market in this realm is expected to contribute greatly to the business of the company. Our journey to being known as a global brand thus began.
Operating with over 1000+ vehicles all over India
The logistics division of Team Thai started its operations in 1992 under the name Aghin Roadways (ARS). With a fleet of well-maintained vehicles, well-trained and experienced drivers, and dedicated support staff, ARS has become a trusted logistics partner for a number of leading cement manufacturers in the country. Our widespread network in every state in the country allows us to deliver without delays and interruptions, making businesses rely on us to transport goods consistently. We have marked exponential growth in a number of locations as well as the quantity and quality of our fleet.